Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Blog Ever!

Well this is my very first blog post ever. My dear friend Lauren helped me develop the webpage and I think it looks just awesome! I'm just so happy today. Life is great. Things are finially falling into place at my school Iam really feeling like I fit in. The Dual - Immersion school is amazing. I feel like I have so much to be thankful for. I have a great (my dream job) I live in a very beautiful part of the country (granted its really expensive housing) I am dating someone who I truely love and I am finally an auntie. My heart is sad though that I wont be able to meet her for a while. I pray for her and her parents every night. Zac and I used to be so close, change for the better has happened in both of our lives. I am so happy for Zac and Amanda. I know Zac has wanted a family of his own for so long... and now a beautiful baby Addilyn. I love my family so much and miss them like crazy! Oh my goodness..... Im going on and on that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Twyla Doyle. Soon to be... Twyla Tagami wooo so cool and wierd all at the same time..LOL I just finished my Masters degree in May... Bilingual and Multicultrual Education. I am now living in Fremont, CA and teaching First Grade I joke with my kiddos that I finally was able to leave Kindergarten after being there for three years. Michail and I met in a very unusual way... and we were penpal friends for almost a year and a half and finally decided we'd give it a try. We met in Trinadad, Co I was on my way to visit my family for the summer and Kelli was with me, From there he moved to Yuma, AZ and we've dated ever since. He proposed to me on Christmas Eve in front of my family (after asking permission from both of my parents). He was going to wait until Christmas morning but I guess couldnt wait. We've had to change our wedding date several times... But now barring any craziness (the earth explodes) we are going to be married in the Nauvoo temple on June 23, 2009. We both wanted it sooner... and by both of us being teachers its hard, we really didnt want to rush to get married, and have to rush to get back to work. So June works out... all of my family can come (knock on wood) and his family as well. We had planned to have our wedding in November during Thanksgiving break, but my Aunts couldnt be there and his family either... then we said Christmas. Well, Christmas is not the best time to plan a wedding... so the next best thing being teachers and all is the summer. Well Im going to hit the Sack now... Ill write more about things later. tah tah for now


Lauren said...

Yeah! Welcome to the blogging world mi amiga amada!

Unknown said...

Welcome to blogging American style! I love that you still love life, that's SO awesome! Big hugz

Marsh Family said...

Twyla, I love the blog. It's great to see all you have done. A masters degree and everything, I was your college roommate and couldn't recall what you even majored in. That shows how much I paid attention. I luv ya, your awesome. Keep updating!