Tuesday, September 16, 2008

100 things about myself (a work in progress)

Well I noticed that on Laurens blog she has 100 well 50 things about her so I thought Id do the same.
1. Im getting married on June 23, 2009.
2. I am an Aunt for the first time ... Addilyn Kay.
3. Im the oldest child of 6 kids; 3 sisters and 2 brothers the youngest of which are five years old.
4. I had my 3rd birthday in Korea.
5. I went to Kindergarten on an army post.
6. I was born in Denver, CO.
7. My favorite color is blue.
8. My favorite food is Shrimp
9. I have two almost identical black cats with white patches.
10. I am a first grade teacher at a Dual-Immersion Language school.
11. I am fluent in Spanish.
12. I have a Toyota corolla.
13. I have two American tuxedo cats (black and white short hair) Their names are Kiley and Oreo.
14. I have had 2 pet rats and 3 guinea pigs.
15. My favorite TV shows are Criminal Minds,CSI (anyone although NY is my favorite), House, Greys Anatomy and JAG.
16. My favorite all time movies are Annie, Pete's Dragon, Brigadon, and Fiddler on the Roof. of which I own only Annie:(
17. My favorite Actor is a toss up between Bill Pullman and Antonio Bandaras (although he now looks incredibly old.
18. My favorite Actresses are Sandra Bullock and Kate Hudson.
19. I am trying to read the book Twilight.
20. I have never been to Disneyland or Disney World.
21. My favorite plant is Plumeria. (It is a beautiful flowering tree)
22. My favorite flowers are Tulips and Roses.
23. I am training for a 100 miles Century bike ride for Team in Training.
24. I played the flute for 12 years and I would like to pick it up again.
25. I have a bachelors degree in Spanish
26. I have a Masters degree in Bilingual Multicultural Education.
27. I went to Ricks College now BYU Idaho for a year.
28. I recieved my undergrad from University of Missouri - St. Louis
29. I recieved my graduated from Northern Arizona University.
30. I can sew pretty well.
31. Before I die I want to learn to fly a plane.
32. Michail and I are planning on going to Greece for our Honeymoon.
33. I think trying to come up with 50 things is hard, let alone 100.
34. I love ice cream
35. My favorite color is Blue (did I mention that already)
36. I have lived in 5 different states: Missouri, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and Hawaii and 3 different Countries: South Korea, Ecuador and of Course the United States.
37. My favorite book is Little Women.
38. I love the rain
39. I also love snow.
40. My engagement ring is an Irish wedding band. (its beautiful)
(Im going to have to work on this some more)


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